I've got a few things on hook and sticks. On Sticks: A scarf for a friend's birthday that I thought was later this month. I found out it was at the end of last month. (CRAP) On hook: A granny ripple afghan in scrappy leftover yarn in a range of colors for ourselves. And a pretty little granny square baby blanket in dusty lavendar, cream, and brown with a matching cap for a friend's baby girl due in two months. It's been lots of fun.
Summer has been hot and humid. But I have loved loved loved staying at home with my kids. We've been trying to come up with some ideas that could make me staying home all the time possible. I've been asked by quite a few people if I give crochet classes, and I'm now seriously considering that. It could be a lot of fun, I think. Just need a place in town where I might be able to hold them. If I have them at the library, I can't charge a fee. I suppose there is the Village Hall, but I don't know how that might work. I suppose some research is in my horizon.
The guys who farm around our house came today to mow the ditches. Josh caught them after one of them had come up one side of our lane and told him to quit. We like the ditch grass long and full for all the wildlife that live in it. The guy didn't even know we owned the lane. LOL He said he just gets told to go mow in certain places. He called his boss on the radio and told him what Josh said, and Josh heard the boss say, "Well, get the h*** out of there then!" Hahahaha. Oh well. At least all the wildlife can move over to the other side of the lane.
Ahhhh life....
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Necessity Hat

So the hat that began out of necessity has finally made it here. Why out of necessity, you may ask? Well, because in my search for a crocheted cabled slouchy hat with an interesting design and twisting cables, I came up empty handed. So, I made one up myself. This pattern will be for sale, I think. But I need to do some testing on it and see how the pattern works out. It's not for the faint of heart, as there are a lot of cross-overs and go-backs and "where-the-heck-am-I-supposed-to-put-this-stitch?" type of stitches. I finished it just in time to wear it out and about at the tail end of the cold weather, but I got quite a few compliments on it. Let me know if you want to try your hand at testing the pattern.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Thirty years and counting....
Thirty years. Seems like a long time in some instances. But in the course of a lifetime, not so much. I feel like I'm really starting to live my life. I went from being someone's daughter to someone's wife to someone's mother with no real stops in between to learn who I am to myself. Those steps I took ten years ago, to marry my dearest, most beloved friend were exactly what I needed. He's a solid rock of a man, which was and is something I desperately needed. College wouldn't have worked for me, at a time when I would've made stupid mistakes and bounced around like a game of pinball. I'll get to college eventually, when I've made up my mind what I want to do. For now, I'm contented with being a Mrs. and a mommy. I have a happy family life, which is all the little girl inside of me has ever wanted. We live in a leaky old farmhouse, we drive 11 year old vehicles, we don't have fancy clothes or go on vacation. We do have love in abundance, love in the face of adversity, laughter in even sad times, camaraderie in everything we do. We're evenly yoked, he and I, sharing our strengths and shouldering the weaknesses. So, instead of figuring myself out, my family has taught me who I am, and who I want and need to be.
I'm knitting (yes, knitting) myself a new bag. I got some super SUPER cute material at Joann's and just had to do it.
The blue of the yarn and the background of the fabric is more intense than what is shown in the picture. It's going to be a much smaller bag than what I carry right now, but that could be a good thing. Better for my shoulder anyway. I'll post another picture when I'm done.
I'm knitting (yes, knitting) myself a new bag. I got some super SUPER cute material at Joann's and just had to do it.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
W.J. Mowzer

Mr. W.J. Mowzer is destined for Josh's cousin's new baby. When said cousin was little, Josh used to scare the bajeebies out of her with a little white mouse. He'd hand it to her and she'd shake all over and get creeped out. Since she had a baby of her own last week, I thought I'd make a new white mouse for her.
Hook Size: F hook
Yarn: Caron Simply Soft in white, a small amount of pink and gray
Note: The first stitch of each round will be worked into the same st as join.
Yarn: Caron Simply Soft in white, a small amount of pink and gray
Note: The first stitch of each round will be worked into the same st as join.
Gauge: Does not matter. Just make sure your stitches are tight so the stuffing will stay inside.
Make an adjustable ring, and sc 8 into ring. Join with slst to first sc. Ch 1. Pull to tighten.
Round 1: 2 sc in each (16 sc) Join. Ch 1.
Round 2 and 3: work evenly, join, ch 1.
Round 4: (2 sc, sc 7) twice. Join, ch 1. (18 sc)
Round 5 and 6: work evenly, join, ch 1.
Round 7: (2 sc, sc 8) twice. Join, ch 1. (20 sc)
Round 8 and 9: work evenly, join, ch 1.
Round 10: (2 sc, sc 9) twice. Join, ch 1. (22 sc)
Round 11: work evenly, join, ch 1.
Round 12: (2 sc, sc 10) twice. Join, ch 1. (24 sc)
Round 13: rep R 11.
Round 14: (2 sc, sc 11) twice. Join, ch 1. (26 sc)
Round 15: rep R 11.
Round 16: (2 sc, sc 12) twice. Join, ch 1. (28 sc)
Round 17: Rep R 11.
Round 18: (2 sc, sc 13) twice. Join, ch 1. (30 sc)
Round 19: Rep R 11.
Round 20: (2 sc, sc 14) twice. Join, ch 1. (32 sc)
Round 21: rep R 11.
Round 22: (2 sc, sc 15) twice. Join, ch 1. (34 sc)
Round 23: rep R 11.
Round 24: (sc2tog, sc 4, sc2tog, sc 9) twice. Join, ch 1. (30sc)
Round 25: (sc2tog, sc 3) rep around. Join and fasten off. Weave in ends and stuff with fiberfill or yarn scraps.
Make an adjustable ring, and sc 6 into ring. Join with slst to first sc. Ch 1. Pull to tighten.
Round 1: 2 sc in ea. (12 sc)
Round 2: (2 sc, sc 1) 5 times. Join, ch 1. (18 sc)
Round 3: 3 sc in first, sc 4, 3 sc in next, sc 3, 3 sc in next, sc 4, 3 sc in next, sc 3. Join, ch 1.
Round 4: sc 1, 3 sc in next, sc 6, 3 sc in next, sc 5, 3 sc in next, sc 6, 3 sc in next, sc 4. Join. Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.
Position base over opening in body. With a yarn needle, whipstitch base to body. Fasten off and weave in ends.
Make an adjustable ring, and sc 4 into ring. Ch 1. Turn
Row 1: 2 sc in ea. ch 1, turn. (8 sc)
Row 2: sc 2, (hdc, dc) in next, 2 dc in next 2 sts, (dc, hdc) in next, sc 2. ch 1, turn. (4 sc, 2 hdc, 6 dc)
Row 3: sc 1, 2 sc in next, sc 1, (hdc, dc) in next, dc 4, (dc, hdc) in next, sc 1, 2 sc in next, sc 1 switching to white yarn. Ch 1 Turn.
Row 4: Working over tails of pink and white yarn, 2 sc in first, sc in each to last, 2 sc in last. Do not ch 1. Turn (pulling on the pink and white yarn tails that you worked over will help cup the ear and give it more shape.)
Row 5: Slst into ea st. Fasten off leaving long tail for sewing.
Whipstitch ears to sides of head.
Tail: with white
At back of body, near basein the middle, attach yarn, leaving at least a 6” tail. Ch 35, wrapping long tail over working yarn before making each chain. With both ends tie a double overhand knot. (cross ends, pass one end around and through twice, pull tight) Cut end.
Pull a double strand of gray yarn through a spot for the nose. Tie two double overhand knots for nose. Tie overhand knots into yarn at desired length away from nose. Cut yarn off after knot. Using gray yarn and a yarn needle, make two French knots for eyes.
Make an adjustable ring, and sc 8 into ring. Join with slst to first sc. Ch 1. Pull to tighten.
Round 1: 2 sc in each (16 sc) Join. Ch 1.
Round 2 and 3: work evenly, join, ch 1.
Round 4: (2 sc, sc 7) twice. Join, ch 1. (18 sc)
Round 5 and 6: work evenly, join, ch 1.
Round 7: (2 sc, sc 8) twice. Join, ch 1. (20 sc)
Round 8 and 9: work evenly, join, ch 1.
Round 10: (2 sc, sc 9) twice. Join, ch 1. (22 sc)
Round 11: work evenly, join, ch 1.
Round 12: (2 sc, sc 10) twice. Join, ch 1. (24 sc)
Round 13: rep R 11.
Round 14: (2 sc, sc 11) twice. Join, ch 1. (26 sc)
Round 15: rep R 11.
Round 16: (2 sc, sc 12) twice. Join, ch 1. (28 sc)
Round 17: Rep R 11.
Round 18: (2 sc, sc 13) twice. Join, ch 1. (30 sc)
Round 19: Rep R 11.
Round 20: (2 sc, sc 14) twice. Join, ch 1. (32 sc)
Round 21: rep R 11.
Round 22: (2 sc, sc 15) twice. Join, ch 1. (34 sc)
Round 23: rep R 11.
Round 24: (sc2tog, sc 4, sc2tog, sc 9) twice. Join, ch 1. (30sc)
Round 25: (sc2tog, sc 3) rep around. Join and fasten off. Weave in ends and stuff with fiberfill or yarn scraps.
Make an adjustable ring, and sc 6 into ring. Join with slst to first sc. Ch 1. Pull to tighten.
Round 1: 2 sc in ea. (12 sc)
Round 2: (2 sc, sc 1) 5 times. Join, ch 1. (18 sc)
Round 3: 3 sc in first, sc 4, 3 sc in next, sc 3, 3 sc in next, sc 4, 3 sc in next, sc 3. Join, ch 1.
Round 4: sc 1, 3 sc in next, sc 6, 3 sc in next, sc 5, 3 sc in next, sc 6, 3 sc in next, sc 4. Join. Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.
Position base over opening in body. With a yarn needle, whipstitch base to body. Fasten off and weave in ends.
Make an adjustable ring, and sc 4 into ring. Ch 1. Turn
Row 1: 2 sc in ea. ch 1, turn. (8 sc)
Row 2: sc 2, (hdc, dc) in next, 2 dc in next 2 sts, (dc, hdc) in next, sc 2. ch 1, turn. (4 sc, 2 hdc, 6 dc)
Row 3: sc 1, 2 sc in next, sc 1, (hdc, dc) in next, dc 4, (dc, hdc) in next, sc 1, 2 sc in next, sc 1 switching to white yarn. Ch 1 Turn.
Row 4: Working over tails of pink and white yarn, 2 sc in first, sc in each to last, 2 sc in last. Do not ch 1. Turn (pulling on the pink and white yarn tails that you worked over will help cup the ear and give it more shape.)
Row 5: Slst into ea st. Fasten off leaving long tail for sewing.
Whipstitch ears to sides of head.
Tail: with white
At back of body, near basein the middle, attach yarn, leaving at least a 6” tail. Ch 35, wrapping long tail over working yarn before making each chain. With both ends tie a double overhand knot. (cross ends, pass one end around and through twice, pull tight) Cut end.
Pull a double strand of gray yarn through a spot for the nose. Tie two double overhand knots for nose. Tie overhand knots into yarn at desired length away from nose. Cut yarn off after knot. Using gray yarn and a yarn needle, make two French knots for eyes.
Haven't tested it yet, except for the second ear. Let me know if anything is amiss.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Birthday parties.....
I've had the week off from work, sort of a spring vacay, and it couldn't have come at a better time. My daughter turns 9 today(!!!) and four little girls are coming over to spend the night tonight (!!!) so I've been busy cleaning and cleaning and sorting and dumping and setting aside and rearranging. It's been nice to be home, I don't know when I would have got all this done if I'd had to work too. But, that's all the news for today. It's too cold out and I want warm spring breezes to tussle my hair as I sit barefoot on my porch drinking coffee in the morning.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tatiana Sweater
So here's some pictures of my Tatiana Sweater designed by the wonderfully talented Marly Bird.

It turned out great and I'm thrilled to pieces with it! Thanks to Marly for a great pattern!
It turned out great and I'm thrilled to pieces with it! Thanks to Marly for a great pattern!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
ramblings - distracted by the sunshine
I finally got my hat pattern typed out and ready to download as soon as I take some pictures. But that requires batteries for the camera, so.... I also got my Tatiana sweater finished. YAY! I'll be wearing it this weekend. Josh and I are going to Kobe Steak House of Japan in Peoria and then to see Ralphie May at the Civic Center all to celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary. Can't believe we've made it ten years. It really goes by in a flash.
I've not had anything inspire me yet on a new pattern idea, but maybe I'll rummage around on some clothing sights and see what I can see. I'd like to design more for boys as there's not a whole lot out there.
This will be a short one. I'm having a hard time concentrating with the sun shining through the window. I almost forgot how nice the sun feels warming my pale dry winter skin. I've never wished for summer so much as this year.
I've not had anything inspire me yet on a new pattern idea, but maybe I'll rummage around on some clothing sights and see what I can see. I'd like to design more for boys as there's not a whole lot out there.
This will be a short one. I'm having a hard time concentrating with the sun shining through the window. I almost forgot how nice the sun feels warming my pale dry winter skin. I've never wished for summer so much as this year.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Blocked hat and gulp - knitting socks...
The hat is blocked and finished. I wore it out today and just loved the drapey-ness that the wool took on after blocking. I was almost upset with the sort of stiff way it was laying against my head, but a cold water dunk and a night stretched over a balloon, and wonders never cease. Now to finish typing out the pattern. I hope I can figure out my chicken scratches.
Also finishing up work on the Tatiana Sweater from Interweave Crochet. I'm working on the ribbing for the sleeves and bottom hem. I just have to sew them on and weave in my ends(blech!) and sew on some buttons. YAY!
I went to Joann's on Saturday with kids in tow and was lured by the "Buy One Get One Half Price" Sale they were having on sock yarn. So I bought two skeins of Red Heart Heart and Sole in the Razzle Dazzle colorway and a set of number 2 DPN's (double pointed needles) and have the top of a sock underway. Knitting in the round on DPN's is proving to be just the challenge these nimble little fingers were looking for, but the cast on nearly pushed me over the edge. That finished I've been merrily knitting away in 2x2 ribbing. I'll be happy with the next stage, but after that comes "dividing for the heel flap" or some such eerie lingo and that scares the bajeebies outta me. But, I must have something to challenge my brain, or it will just turn to mush.
I think that's what I like about the crochet/knitting arts. Just when you thought you've got everything down pat, you turn the page and discover something new. Like my fascination with hairpin lace this past summer. I had inherited this contraption from my husband's great grandmother upon her passing and I had no NO idea what it could be. Fast forward to an episode of Knit and Crochet Today where they are featuring Hairpin Lace. Cut to my face filled with awe and wonderment, "So THAT's what that thing is for?" Three scarves later, I've got the logistics down and went back to the regularly scheduled program of crochet, but I have a project filed away in my head. With new techniques or patterns to challenge every skill degree, you can never get bored with it. Which is my trouble with so much stuff. I become enamored until I've sufficiently conquered it and then I must find a new gijamawatsit to hold my attention. So far, I've not become bored. I don't think I'll ever be. I still have a loooooooong way to go before I'm ever as good as I want to be at knitting, and then there's spinning and dying and all that comes with that, and never enough hours in the day to devote to this craft that has lured me in so subtly......
Also finishing up work on the Tatiana Sweater from Interweave Crochet. I'm working on the ribbing for the sleeves and bottom hem. I just have to sew them on and weave in my ends(blech!) and sew on some buttons. YAY!
I went to Joann's on Saturday with kids in tow and was lured by the "Buy One Get One Half Price" Sale they were having on sock yarn. So I bought two skeins of Red Heart Heart and Sole in the Razzle Dazzle colorway and a set of number 2 DPN's (double pointed needles) and have the top of a sock underway. Knitting in the round on DPN's is proving to be just the challenge these nimble little fingers were looking for, but the cast on nearly pushed me over the edge. That finished I've been merrily knitting away in 2x2 ribbing. I'll be happy with the next stage, but after that comes "dividing for the heel flap" or some such eerie lingo and that scares the bajeebies outta me. But, I must have something to challenge my brain, or it will just turn to mush.
I think that's what I like about the crochet/knitting arts. Just when you thought you've got everything down pat, you turn the page and discover something new. Like my fascination with hairpin lace this past summer. I had inherited this contraption from my husband's great grandmother upon her passing and I had no NO idea what it could be. Fast forward to an episode of Knit and Crochet Today where they are featuring Hairpin Lace. Cut to my face filled with awe and wonderment, "So THAT's what that thing is for?" Three scarves later, I've got the logistics down and went back to the regularly scheduled program of crochet, but I have a project filed away in my head. With new techniques or patterns to challenge every skill degree, you can never get bored with it. Which is my trouble with so much stuff. I become enamored until I've sufficiently conquered it and then I must find a new gijamawatsit to hold my attention. So far, I've not become bored. I don't think I'll ever be. I still have a loooooooong way to go before I'm ever as good as I want to be at knitting, and then there's spinning and dying and all that comes with that, and never enough hours in the day to devote to this craft that has lured me in so subtly......
Thursday, February 25, 2010
New Hair + the new hat is under way
The hair turned out great. I didn't know it would be wavy until this morning when I put some mousse in it and let it air dry. I've always had limp baby fine hair, so this is a surprise. But I've heard that hair changes as you get older and since I'm facing the big 3-0 this year....
Anyway, work has begun on the new hat. I'm using some Plymouth Galway in aqua that I had sitting around. It's turning out cute and I'm taking meticulous notes. I've already come up with a cute name for the pattern as well, so we're moving right along.
I think this will be all for now, though. My neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, pinkie are beginning to ache. I foresee a trip to the chiropractor in my future....
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
New hat for new hair
No pattern today. I've got one in the works in the dusty attic of my head. It's tumbling around up there, wondering how slouchy it wants to be and how the cables might look when it's all done.
This afternoon, I get my hair cut! Why, you might ask, is that so significant to warrant a mention here? I've not had my hair cut professionally in almost three years, just by my husband while I hang my head over the back of a kitchen chair. It now reaches to just above the waistband of my pants, but it's all scraggly and full of split ends. Two years ago, for my birthday, my mom gave me a gift certificate to the stylist she uses, but I haven't made the time to get it cut. So anyway, I'm pretty excited!
The weather has been such crap here lately. Thaws out in the afternoon and freezes up at night, which means our lane was been a horrible slop fest. We talked about getting a small loan to buy the rock and gravel we need to put down, but that would interfere with my getting a new vehicle. Dilemmas, dilemmas. Our tax return would be able to cover it, but then we wouldn't be able to buy the new kitchen table we would like. I know, I know. I need to be thankful for the table I have and the vehicle I have, the country house and lane that I have. I know.
So, back in January, on the 16th to be precise, I went to a little yarn shop in Springfield. I was looking for yarn to make a gorgeous blanket in the Interweave Crochet issue that I had gotten awhile back. I sat down with the helpful proprietress and looked at color cards and chose colorways that most closely resembled the ones in the blanket. I ordered the yarn and payed for it, and she gave me one skein that she did have in stock. She told me that the yarn would take a week or two to arrive and that she would call me. I called after two weeks came and went and was informed that the yarn had not come in yet, but that she would check with the manufacturer and get back with me. I let another two weeks go by and called again, and was informed that it still had not shown up and that she would check in on Monday to see what was going on, and that if I didn't hear back from her by Tuesday that I should call. It's now Wednesday and there's nary a ring on my phone. It's very aggravating. I will be calling her again today and hang it all if I made a nuisance of myself. I have, after all, payed for the stuff.
Small child is wanting juice now and I must jump in the shower so that I'm ready for work on time. What a day! I might post a pic of the new 'do when I get home, if I end up liking it.
Alright now, I'm nervous and scared! I'm glad I don't bite my nails anymore, I'd just have stubs today! =o/
This afternoon, I get my hair cut! Why, you might ask, is that so significant to warrant a mention here? I've not had my hair cut professionally in almost three years, just by my husband while I hang my head over the back of a kitchen chair. It now reaches to just above the waistband of my pants, but it's all scraggly and full of split ends. Two years ago, for my birthday, my mom gave me a gift certificate to the stylist she uses, but I haven't made the time to get it cut. So anyway, I'm pretty excited!
The weather has been such crap here lately. Thaws out in the afternoon and freezes up at night, which means our lane was been a horrible slop fest. We talked about getting a small loan to buy the rock and gravel we need to put down, but that would interfere with my getting a new vehicle. Dilemmas, dilemmas. Our tax return would be able to cover it, but then we wouldn't be able to buy the new kitchen table we would like. I know, I know. I need to be thankful for the table I have and the vehicle I have, the country house and lane that I have. I know.
So, back in January, on the 16th to be precise, I went to a little yarn shop in Springfield. I was looking for yarn to make a gorgeous blanket in the Interweave Crochet issue that I had gotten awhile back. I sat down with the helpful proprietress and looked at color cards and chose colorways that most closely resembled the ones in the blanket. I ordered the yarn and payed for it, and she gave me one skein that she did have in stock. She told me that the yarn would take a week or two to arrive and that she would call me. I called after two weeks came and went and was informed that the yarn had not come in yet, but that she would check with the manufacturer and get back with me. I let another two weeks go by and called again, and was informed that it still had not shown up and that she would check in on Monday to see what was going on, and that if I didn't hear back from her by Tuesday that I should call. It's now Wednesday and there's nary a ring on my phone. It's very aggravating. I will be calling her again today and hang it all if I made a nuisance of myself. I have, after all, payed for the stuff.
Small child is wanting juice now and I must jump in the shower so that I'm ready for work on time. What a day! I might post a pic of the new 'do when I get home, if I end up liking it.
Alright now, I'm nervous and scared! I'm glad I don't bite my nails anymore, I'd just have stubs today! =o/
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Elena's Booties
Elena's Booties
Yarn: Bernat Softee Baby
Hook: F
Notions: 2 1/4" buttons
Round 1: 8 sc in Magic Loop. Pull tail to tighten, and join with a slst to first sc. Ch 3.
Round 3: 1 hdc, 2 hdc in next. Rep to end. Join with a slst to first hdc. Ch 3.
Round 4: Dc in each st. Join with a slst to first dc. Ch 3.
Row 5: Dc in first 16. Ch 3. Turn.
Row 6: Dc in each st. Ch 3. Turn.
Rows 7 -11: Rep Row 6. At end of Row 11, ch 1.
Row 12: Slst in first 8. Fold in half, right sides together, and slst sides together. Turn right sides out, and ch1.
Shoe Edge: Work 16 sc along edge of show, sc in same st as last dc in row 5, hdc in next, dc2tog, dc in next 2, dc2tog, hdc in next, sc in next. Work 16 sc along edge. Slst in 1st sc to join. Ch1.
Row2: Sc 12. Ch 13. Skip first 5 ch. Sc in next 8. Sc in 12th st of Row. Sc in next 2, sc3tog, sc 1, hdc 1, dc 1, hdc 1, sc 1, sc3tog, sc in last 15. Slst in first sc to join. Fasten off and weave in ends.
For left bootie: Work as for right bootie up to Shoe Edge Row 2: Sc in first 15. Sc3tog, sc 1, hdc 1,dc 1, hdc 1, sc 1, sc3tog, 3 sc, ch 13, sk first 5 ch, sc in next 8, sc in same st as last before the ch-13, sc in last 12. Slst in first sc to join. Fasten off and weave in ends.
Sew buttons to match button holes.
Disclaimer: I've only partially tested this pattern. Please let me know if anything is amiss. Thanks!
Row2: Sc 12. Ch 13. Skip first 5 ch. Sc in next 8. Sc in 12th st of Row. Sc in next 2, sc3tog, sc 1, hdc 1, dc 1, hdc 1, sc 1, sc3tog, sc in last 15. Slst in first sc to join. Fasten off and weave in ends.
For left bootie: Work as for right bootie up to Shoe Edge Row 2: Sc in first 15. Sc3tog, sc 1, hdc 1,dc 1, hdc 1, sc 1, sc3tog, 3 sc, ch 13, sk first 5 ch, sc in next 8, sc in same st as last before the ch-13, sc in last 12. Slst in first sc to join. Fasten off and weave in ends.
Sew buttons to match button holes.
Disclaimer: I've only partially tested this pattern. Please let me know if anything is amiss. Thanks!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Elena's Bonnet
Elena's Bonnet
Yarn: Bernat Softee Baby in pink
Hook: G
Notions: 1 1/2" button
Magic Ring: Make a slip knot leaving a 4" tail. Place slip knot on hook. Wrap yarn tail around fingers and sc into loop made. Sc 11 more. Pull on tail to tighten and slst into first sc to join. (12 sc)
Round 2: Ch 2. Hdc in same as join. 2 hdc in each st. Hdc in same st as join. Join with slst to 1st hdc. (24 hdc)
Round 3: Ch 1. Sc in next st and around. Sc in same st as join. Join with slst to first sc. (24 sc)
Round 4: Ch 2. Hdc in join. *Hdc in next. 2 hdc in next. Rep from * to end. Hdc in same st as join. Join with slst to first hdc. (36 hdc)
Round 5: Rep Round 3. (36 sc)
Round 6: Ch 2. Hdc in join. *Hdc in next 2 sts. 2 hdc in next. Rep from * to end. Hdc in same st as join. Join with a slst to first hdc. (48 hdc)
Round 7: Rep Round 3. (48 sc)
Round 8: Ch 2. Hdc in same st as join and next 39 sts. Turn. (40 hdc)
Round 9: Ch 2. Hdc in each st across. Turn.
Round 10: Ch 1. Sc in each st across. Turn.
Round 11 & 12: Rep Round 9.
Round 13: Rep Round 10.
Round 14: Rep Round 9.
Row 15: Ch 4. Skip 1st 2 sts. (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in next. *Skip 5 sts, (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in next. Repeat from * to last two sts. Ch 1. Dc in last st. Turn. (7 lacy scallops)
Row 16: Ch 4. (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in each ch-3 space. At end, ch 1, dc in 3rd ch of turning chain. Turn.
Row 17: Rep Row 16.
Row 18: Ch 1. Sc in top of dc. Sc in ch-1 space. *Sc in 2 dc. 3 sc in ch-3 sp. Ch 3. Slst into last sc made. - (Picot made) 2 sc in same ch-3 sp. sc in 2 dc. Rep from * to end. Sc in ch-4 space. 2 sc in 3rd chain of turning chain. Do not turn.
Edge: Work sc evenly around the side and neck edge to the beg of Row 18. Slst into 1st sc of Row 18. Fasten off and weave in ends.
Strap: Join yarn in sc corresponding to end of Row 14. Sc in same st as join. Sc in next. Turn. Work a sc in only st. Work 24 Foundation ch. Ch 4. Turn. Skip 2 sts. Slst in next 22 sts. Slst in same st as 2nd sc at beg of strap work. Fasten off. Weave in ends. Sew button to opposite side of bonnet.
Disclaimer: I have not tested this pattern. Please let me know if anything is amiss. Thanks!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Elena's Dress

A friend and coworker of my in-laws just had his first baby and my mother-in-law asked me to stitch something up for them. This is what came about.
Disclaimer: I've not tested this pattern, so please let me know if something is amiss. Thanks!
Elena's Dress
Size: Newborn
Yarn: Bernat Softee Baby (Sport DK weight) in pink: 1 skein
Hooks: E, G and H
Notions: 2 stitch markers, 3 - 3/8" buttons
Finished measurements:
From shoulder to hem - 1o"
From side to side (not around) - 7.5"
Stitch guide:
HdcFch – Half double crochet foundation chain
Picot – ch 3, slst into last st made.
With G hook:
40 HdcFch. Or 42 chs. Turn
Row 1: Ch2. *Hdc in next. 2 hdc in next. Rep to end. Turn (60 hdc)
Row 2: Ch2. Hdc evenly across. Turn
Row 3: Rep Row 1. (90 hdc)
Row 4 & 5: Rep Row 2.
Row 6: Ch2. *Hdc in next 2 sts, 2 hdc in next st. Rep across from *. turn (120 sts)
Row 7: Place marker 40 sts from ea edge. Ch 2. Hdc in first 16 sts (Back right), 5 HdcFch+, skip 24 sts (right arm hole), hdc next 40 sts (front of garment), 5 HdcFch, skip next 24 sts (left arm hole), hdc across remaining 16 sts. (back left). {+ can also just chain 5)
Row 8: Ch4. Skip 1 st. (2 dc, ch3, 2 dc) in next; *skip 5 sts, (2 dc, ch3, 2 dc) in next. Rep from * to end. Ch 1. Dc in last st. Turn [14 (2 dc, ch3, 2 dc)]
Row 9: Ch 4. (2 dc, ch3, 2 dc) in each ch3 sp. At end ch1, dc in 3rd ch of turning ch. Turn
Row 10: Rep Row 9. At end do not turn. Join with slst to 3rd ch at beg of row. All rows will now be worked in the round.
Row 11 & 12: Ch4. (2 dc, ch3, 2 dc) in each ch-3 sp. At end, ch1, dc in dc of prev round. Join with slst to 3rd ch at beg of row.
Row 13-15: With H hook, cont in est patt.
Row 16-19: Ch 4. (3 dc, ch3, 3 dc) in each ch-3 sp. At end, ch1, dc in dc of prev round. Join with slst to 3rd ch at beg of row.
Row 20: ch1. sc in ch-1 sp. *Sc in next 3 dc, 2 sc in ch-3 sp, ch 3, slst into last sc made (picot) sc into ch-3 sp, sc in next 3 dc. Repeat from * around. Sc in ch-1 sp. Sc in dc. Join with slst to 1st sc. Fasten off. Weave in ends
Neck and back opening:
With E hook: Right side facing
Join yarn with slst to last sc of neck on back right side. Sc in same st as join. 2 sc in side of st. Work 19 sc evenly along edge. Sc tog the dc and ch4 of the join of row 10. Work 18 scs evenly up opp edge. Work 2 sc in next . Sc around neck opening. Join with slst to 1st sc.
Row 2: (Slst, sc 2) in next. Sc 18. Sc3tog. (Sc 5. ch4.) three times – button holes made. Sc in next 1. sc 2 in next. Slst in same st. slst in next, fasten off. Weave in ends.
Sew three buttons to match button holes.
Arm hole:
With G hook.
Round 1: Join yarn with slst to first missed st. Work 32 sc evenly around. Join with slst.
Round 2: (Ch5, skip 3, sc in next) 6 times. Sc in next 8, do not join.
Round 3: (Sc 4, picot, sc 3) in ea ch-5 sp. Sc in next 2 sc. Slst in next. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Flower: (small amount of Bernat Baby Coordinates in white and 5th Avenue Superwash Merino in Lovely Lime)
With E hook and any dk weight yarn:
(Ch 6. 3dtr in 6th ch from hook, ch5, slst in same ch.) 5 times. Slst in the bottom of first petal to join. Fasten off. With second yarn of choice, make 5 surface slst at the bottom of each petal. Leave long tail. Attach flower to dress. With a yarn needle and the long tail of second yarn make a French knot and pull through to the inside of the dress. Fasten off.

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